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Revolutionizing Restaurant Efficiency: A Deep Dive with Ty Hoover from New CO2

Welcome back to “Would You Like Fries With That Tech?” In today’s episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Ty Hoover, a key player at New CO2. From tackling common challenges in the restaurant industry to unveiling upcoming innovations, Ty offers invaluable insights that every restaurant owner needs to know. So, grab a seat and let’s dive into how New CO2 is setting new standards in the world of CO2 and nitrogen solutions for the restaurant industry.

Who Is Ty Hoover?

Ty Hoover is with New CO2, a company that specializes in providing CO2 and nitrogen solutions to restaurants, bars, event centers, golf courses, and country clubs. Ty’s role primarily involves consulting with potential customers, assessing their needs, and setting them up with a hassle-free solution.

What Sets New CO2 Apart?

One of the biggest pain points for restaurant owners is the constant need to manage and replace CO2 cylinders. Traditional 20-pound or 50-pound cylinders often run out at the worst times, disrupting service and cutting into profit margins. New CO2 solves this problem with their massive 300-pound tanks and a scheduled refilling service, ensuring a 99.9% uptime. As Ty mentions, “You never run out Tuesday at 2:00 PM; you always run out Friday at 7:30 PM.”

Innovations To Watch For?

New CO2 is continually striving for new ways to improve efficiency. One exciting development Ty shared is their upcoming telemetry system. This system will automatically alert the company when a tank’s CO2 level reaches a certain threshold, enabling proactive maintenance and refills. This kind of forward-thinking innovation is just one example of how New CO2 is committed to making their clients’ lives easier.

Success Stories

Ty shared a compelling story about working with an American Legion where staff had to haul 50-pound cylinders up and down stairs. New CO2 provided a stationary solution, eliminating the need for strenuous labor. This not only made life easier for the staff but also ensured consistent CO2 availability. “It was a no-brainer for him,” Ty said, emphasizing how their service can make a significant impact.

Advice for Restaurant Owners

When it comes to choosing service providers, Ty offers sage advice: “Talk to as many vendors as you can. Do your research.” Whether it’s through online reviews or talking to other business owners, getting a comprehensive view of what various vendors offer can help you make an informed decision that benefits your business in the long run.

The Future of Dining and Hospitality

Ty has mixed feelings about emerging trends like robots serving food. While recognizing the importance of quality and customer service, he prefers a more traditional dining experience where personal interaction plays a key role. “I hope this isn’t where we’re going,” Ty says about the automation trend, highlighting the irreplaceable value of human touch in customer service.

Personal Tidbits

On a lighter note, we got to know Ty a bit better. His go-to fast food meal is a cheesy gordita crunch box, and for fine dining, he loves a surf and turf meal. When it comes to drinks, Ty recommends a properly made old-fashioned or a custom cocktail he coined himself, known as “The Hoover,” featuring screwball whiskey, Godiva dark chocolate, and a splash of heavy cream.