In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, businesses face numerous challenges when it comes to managing their IT infrastructure. From the complexity of technology to the lack of expertise and the ever-increasing costs, these pain points can hinder a company’s growth and success. However, by hiring a Managed Service Provider (MSP), businesses can instantly solve these challenges and gain a competitive edge. In this article, we will explore the three main pain points that clients face when they first come to an MSP and how hiring one can empower them, bring clarity to their IT infrastructure, and provide cost savings.

Empowering Clients: Putting a Face to Names and Building Genuine Rapport

“The fact that we put a face to our names and we build a genuine rapport with people, our goal is to empower them above their technology.” 

Mathew Schleef, Director of IT Operations at Astoria

One of the key pain points that clients face when seeking the services of an MSP is the lack of a personal touch. Many businesses have a jaded view of the technical world, perceiving it as filled with introverted individuals who don’t build relationships. However, Astoria aims to change this perception by focusing on the humanity side of things.

“We really go that extra mile to make sure that we connect with you and that we understand your problems, your concerns, your interests and try to make them our own and make our service to them reflect those interests.”

 Mathew Schleef, Director of IT Operations at Astoria

By building a genuine rapport with clients, Astoria empowers them by putting a face to the names behind the technology. This personal touch not only enhances the client experience but also ensures that their needs and interests are understood and reflected in the services provided.

Bringing Clarity: Demystifying IT Infrastructure

“We really bring clarity to what is actually there and what that actually have… demystifying what’s happening internally there.”

Mathew Schleef, Director of IT Operations at Astoria

Another pain point that clients often face is a lack of clarity when it comes to their IT infrastructure. Many businesses have a multitude of services and technologies in place, but they may not fully understand what they have or what they actually need. An MSP addresses this issue by providing an organizational process that brings clarity to the existing IT infrastructure.

“We’re going to look at their technology and say, here’s three things that you’re doing that you don’t need. You only need one of these, cut out these two… demystifying what’s happening internally there.”

Mathew Schleef, Director of IT Operations at Astoria

By conducting a thorough assessment, an MSP can identify unnecessary services and technologies, streamlining the IT infrastructure and ensuring that businesses are only investing in what they truly need. This demystification process allows clients to have a clear understanding of their IT landscape and make informed decisions.

Cost Savings: Providing Real Budgets and Cost-Effective Solutions

“We’re going to bring to light all of the costs that are associated with your IT and technology spend… make sure they’re actually spending money on the right things.” 

Mathew Schleef, Director of IT Operations at Astoria

Cost is a significant pain point for many businesses, especially when it comes to IT and technology spending. Often, companies have no idea how much they are actually spending in this area. An MSP addresses this issue by providing real budgets and cost-saving solutions.

By analyzing the technology and services in place, an MSP can identify unnecessary expenses and recommend cost-effective alternatives. This not only helps businesses save money but also ensures that they are investing in the right areas to support their growth and success.

Co-Managed Function: Enhancing the Capabilities of In-House IT

A common misconception is that hiring an MSP is unnecessary if a company already has a sizable in-house IT team. However, an MSP can provide significant advantages by

 “What we can do is take some of the pressure off the IT person such as… take the phones and handle that for them… take the endpoint security off of the plate of the IT person ect.” 

Nate Sheen, Founder of Astoria

By taking on specific responsibilities, such as managing the network or handling support calls, an MSP allows the in-house IT team to focus on more strategic initiatives and long-term planning. This co-managed approach ensures that businesses have the right expertise in place for every aspect of their IT infrastructure.

The Proactive Advantage: Preventing Fires Before They Happen

One of the significant advantages of hiring an MSP is the ability to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to IT issues. In-house IT teams often find themselves constantly putting out fires, leaving little time for proactive measures. An MSP can change this dynamic by providing a proactive team that anticipates and prevents problems before they occur.

“Being able to draw on other people’s experiences or having another team to collaborate with is really helpful… having a team that can be proactive… giving them solutions even before those problems happen.”

Nate Sheen, Founder of Astoria

By leveraging the expertise and experience of an MSP, businesses can stay ahead of potential issues and focus on strategic initiatives. This proactive approach not only improves efficiency but also enhances the overall IT experience for both the in-house IT team and the end-users.

Hiring an MSP offers numerous advantages for businesses looking to overcome the pain points associated with managing their IT infrastructure. By empowering clients, bringing clarity to their IT landscape, and providing cost savings, an MSP becomes a valuable partner in driving business growth and success.

The personal touch and genuine rapport built by an MSP empower clients, ensuring that their needs and interests are understood and reflected in the services provided. The demystification process brings clarity to the IT infrastructure, allowing businesses to make informed decisions and invest in what they truly need. Additionally, the cost savings provided by an MSP help businesses optimize their IT spend and allocate resources more effectively.

The co-managed function of an MSP enhances the capabilities of in-house IT teams, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives while the MSP handles specific responsibilities. This collaborative approach ensures that businesses have the right expertise in place for every aspect of their IT infrastructure.

Furthermore, the proactive advantage offered by an MSP prevents fires before they happen, enabling businesses to focus on upcoming initiatives rather than constantly putting out fires. This proactive approach improves efficiency and enhances the overall IT experience for both the in-house IT team and the end-users.

As technology continues to evolve and businesses face new challenges, the role of MSPs will become increasingly crucial. By staying ahead of the curve and providing innovative solutions, MSPs will continue to empower businesses, bring clarity to their IT infrastructure, and deliver cost savings. With the support of an MSP, businesses can navigate the complex world of technology with confidence and achieve their goals.